From the Blog

IAP Health: Veronica Perdomo ’23

I find that the time we are living in feels a lot like looking for something in the dark. I am unsure of every step I make, unable to see…

IAP Health: Sarah Lincoln (’22)

Near the start of the pandemic, when the world seemed helpless and I felt useless, I set up a meeting with Sarah Bouchard. I figured the PKG Center of all…

IAP Health: Dasha Castillo (’23)

TEAMwork Makes the Dream Work During January 2021, I worked remotely with the Boston Medical Center (BMC) Autism Program thanks to the PKG IAP Health Program. Their mission is to…

IAP Health: Jeff Shi (’23)

My name is Jeff Shi, and I am a sophomore in Course 5-7. This IAP, I worked with the Autism Friendly Initiative (AFI)—part of the Autism Program at Boston Medical…

IAP Health: Emily Chen (’21)

This past IAP, I worked on the research team for Boston Medical Center’s Autism Program and conducted qualitative research to analyze the effects of a mentoring-centric program that BMC has…

IAP Health: Ria Kolli (’24)

When I started interning virtually at the Boston Medical Center’s Autism Program this IAP, I really had no idea what I was getting into. On the first day itself, I…

Social Impact Internships: Sahithi Madireddy (’23)

This summer, I had the opportunity to work as a Children’s Mental Health Policy Analysis Intern at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. I already had a general sense of…

Social Impact Internships: Noopur Ranganathan (’21)

Noopur Ranganathan is a rising senior studying Biology and Anthropology at MIT. Over the course of her time on (and off) campus, she’s been a frequent visitor to the PKG…

Social Impact Internships Summer 2020: Ayesha Ng (’21)

A Summer with the CDC Foundation Regional Advisors Health Equity Strike Team This summer, I am working with the CDC Foundation Regional Advisors Health Equity Strike Team in the response…

IAP Fellow 2020: Kiara Wahnschafft

This January, I’m working at an organization called Sanergy, based in Nairobi Kenya. Sanergy improves the health and prosperity of residents living in growing cities by making safe sanitation accessible…