February 9th, 2018: Conclusions and next steps I’ve been at MIT for something like two weeks now. I concluded my work having visited and talked to dozens of small business…
Final Weeks @ STEM From Dance- February 10, 2018 Today marks one week back in Boston for me, and I figured it was time to do a final reflection/blog post…
Andrea will be working in Cartagena, Colombia, on the Project: Architecture from the margins, co-designing and co-shaping informal settlements. She will collaborate with the Fundación Social in the informal occupation of…
Blog Post 3: We generated biogas bubbles! In my last blog post, I described how I put together our biodigester with help from the orphanage staff, and designed and built…
Anjuli will be working in San Jose, Costa Rica, on a Project entitled “Adventures in Science with Carretica Cuentera.” She will collaborate with Carretica Cuentera, an NGO dedicated to fostering…
Entry 3: Live Well & Eat Well March 18th, 2018 Shortly after my last post, there was an Eat Well Watertown event during which various local chefs showcased healthy winter…
PART 4. A cultural hub in Quibdo and Reflection Motete is a non-profit located in a busy street in Quibdo, Chocó. It’s led by Velia Vidal and her husband Rogelio,…
Griffin Smith (G, Urban Studies and Planning) Griffin spent the summer in Salt Lake City, Utah, working with the Environmental Dispute Resolution Program in the S.J. Quinney College of Law…