MIT News: IDEAS Grantee Ricult (2018)
Ricult, an IDEAS 2018 grantee that focuses on aiding farmers out of extreme poverty, was featured in the MIT News! Read more about this team’s outstanding work here.

“Farmers can use Ricult’s platform to secure credit, attain inputs such as seeds and fertilizers, monitor weather forecasts, and connect directly with buyers to sell their crops. Further, the platform helps farmers maximize their yields by providing personalized advice for growing crops based on soil tests.
‘Farmers are at the bottom of the pyramid in developing countries, so if you want to drive these countries forward and reduce inequality, you have to transform the agricultural sector,’ says Ricult co-founder Aukrit Unahalekhaka SM ’16. ‘There’s so much innovation and tech disrupting the U.S. agricultural industry, so we thought, ‘Why isn’t the same thing happening for people at the bottom of the pyramid in developing countries?’ ”
Tags: Agriculture & Food, Finance & Entrepreneurship, IDEAS, News Feature